New Headteacher Appointment

I am very pleased to announce Mrs Dawn Bayliss will be taking over the Headteacher's post from September 2024. I will be moving on to Cornist Park C.P. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Ysgol Merllyn and am extremely confident that school is preparing our learners for the rest of their education as well as life outside of the education system. Our school is unique in it's work on Creativity and the Creative Habits, where our children develop thier Persistence, Imagination, Collaboration, Inquistivity and Discipline. 

In the past two years, as Headteacher, we have had 3 Welsh Government case study visits for our work on Creativity, Reading, and our work on Communicating and Reporting Progress to parents. This highlights the excellent work, staff and the school community do on a daily basis to give our learners the best possible experiences.

I look forward to working closely with Ysgol Merllyn as part of the Flint Cluster.

Learning to enjoy our time at Ysgol Merllyn, by learning to be kind and learning to be creative

We pride ourselves on the warm welcome you'll recieve when visiting school.

We are working hard on being the best we can be, as staff and learners.

We are around 150 children on roll, situated in a lovely part of Bagillt, with fantastic views, large fields and a brand new Forest School area.

Our curriculum is built upon Creativity and the Creative Habits of Mind

We know our learners need to be creative to succeed both in education and in the world outside of school

Below, are some really important documents that we use all the time to ensure we are giving our learners the opportunity to be creative:

All about the new curriculum

Curriculum and Assessment

Creative Habits of Mind in Year 1/2 (example)

Mr. Mike Elliott (Headteacher)